The “GALLERY” is the space where the four “Eco Hero” challenges are showcased. On this page you will see the results of kids who expressed themselves creatively in different disciplines with one common denominator: Our Planet. After taking the “ECO HERO” curriculum, participants will have learned about the various ecosystems and the current ECO HEROES who protect them. They will hopefully be inspired to become an ECO HERO themselves and these fun practical exercises will teach them additional facts!


The “ECO HERO ART” challenge invites kids to express a wish for our planet on a white canvas. Whether it is saving the polar bear, protecting the birds, or hugging a tree, after taking the ECO HERO curriculum, kids will have an automatic attraction to one particular cause and use a white canvas to express their vision for a sustainable planet. A compilation of received submissions is shown in this video.



The “ECO HERO FASHION” challenge invites kids to reuse old clothes and turn them into new fashion items. In this video we made totes with kids from the Hamilton Grange Middle School in Harlem. After creating a design, the students cut the fabric and then started sewing. The inspiration ranged from ECO themes, to giraffes and other animals!



The “ECO HERO ENTERTAINMENT” challenge invites kids to compose a song with an environmental theme. After listening to our own signature “Light to the World” record (sung by the “Sing Out Connecticut” choir), kids will have to select one sentence, write an entire song around it and record it. In order for the world to see, we also wish to receive a video.



The “ECO HERO FOOD” challenge invites kids to learn how to cook a healthy meal or snack. Since healthy food is one of the building blocks for a healthy mind and a healthy body, we believe that kids not only need to know where food comes from, but also be inspired to know how to cook themselves. In this video eight after school kids were invited to the Belgian EXKI restaurant in Manhattan and received a private class from chef Galen Zamarra!


The ECO HERO challenges are open to members from the ECO HERO Club. In order to become a member, write us for conditions.


from Belgium


from Canada


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